How To Make A Woman Want You and Turn Her into Your Lover
By Simon Heong -- Author of the Best-Seller: Friend To Girlfriend Secrets

Moving out of the friend zone is one of the best things that could ever happen to a guy harboring unrequited feelings for a particular girl. But the question is: where would you go after the girl noticed that you’re not the just a homey buddy that she can call when she feels like talking to a friend? You can take the new relationship into two different directions, each with its own set of pros and cons.

Serious Lovers ASAP!

Being lovers in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship means you’re a couple and the relationship is monogamous. This is very ideal, especially if you’re ready for this kind of commitment. Married couples that started out as ‘just friends’ are a dime a dozen.

On your engagement party, you can talk about how you never knew you had feelings with each other until you found out that you did, and then you decided that you’re meant to be together after all.

When you’re on the same page about this level of relationship, great; but what if you’re not? If one person is serious and the other is not, there is a chance that one will cheat and even the friendship you’ve built over the years will suffer.

But even if the future still seems uncertain, at least you’re not hanging around her like a hopeful puppy wondering if she will ever notice. After you’ve transcended the ‘friendship trap’, you’re her lover, and that’s the most important thing.

Sex Friends First, Lovers Later

The reason you ended up being just her friend is because the girl has never considered you within her strike zone. A girl needs to be able to imagine herself in an intimate position with you (kissing, snuggling or doing something more) for her to consider you for anything remotely sexual. You didn’t turn her on, but that too can be changed.

If you make your move by telling her that you’re sexually attracted, you get the wheels turning in the direction you want. At the very least, you’ll make her consider the possibility of getting in bed with you.

So, what happens when you do turn her on and things start to become sexual? Does this mean you’re committed? Once you’ve tried it with your friend, you can continue to a serious relationship, or you can simply be sex buddies.

Being sex buddies can be fun and romantic, but as you know physical intimacy can lead to deeper feelings if done often and if the sex is good. Good physical chemistry may be a good basis for you to continue as lovers.

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